Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Marketing People Believing Their Own Marketing

I was watching an interview last night on the news with the CFO of GM. His whole schtick was about how they were going to be reinvented into a new company through brand reductions and wait for it.... pumping more money into marketing and advertising. I thought to myself, does this guy really believe that more adds will sell more shiite cars? Then it occurred to me that TerryTelco.com has similar minded executives. For example, in a place that believes that internet use is down because there is nothing on the internet worth using or looking at -- not that its because the performance of the broadband network is so poor (or the access lines provide so little bandwidth) -- Terry instead will pump loads of money into marketing the next bump in access speed and call it "Ultra Super Duper Quick Broadband". There will be millions spent on lavish and exciting advertising around the launch of this service, but in the end the reality for the user will be the same as with anyone who has bought a GM car recently: disappointment.