Thursday, 17 April 2008

The hare & the tortoise

We were all told Aesop's fable of the hare and the tortoise as children. The moral being slow and steady wins the race. Terry is the tortoise and his competitors are hares.

In the past where networks were built using equipment that was expected to remain deployed for years, if not decades, slow and steady was a good approach as you had time on your side and any mistakes could lead to additional cost for years to come.

In today's world time is not on your side - time to market is critical and equipment may only stay in the network for 24-36 months. This means that if it takes longer than 6-12 months to deploy then either the equipment will not manage to pay for itself or you run the risk of it being superceded by new, cheaper equipment and/or technology which makes you uncompetitive in the market or worse the equipment is end of life before it is even deployed!

Terry needs to change from being a tortoise to being a hare as slow and steady no longer wins the race.

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