Wednesday, 14 January 2009

The Terrygasm


terry⋅gasm [ter-ri-gaz-uhm]

1.the physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of excitation by a Terry (see, usually resulting from stimulation of some idea pertaining to out-dated Telco behavior, activities, processes, or devices.

Examples include getting approval to spend vast amounts of money to deploy an ancient technology that is slightly faster than the existing one, completely over-engineering something that could be done with off-the-shelf components for a lot less money, endlessly debating topics (resulting in a self-induced terrygasm), planning for new meetings (while in an existing one), compiling meeting minutes from and old meeting, or getting together for daily "tea time", having lunch at a predictable eating time, or getting a "new" mobile handset (usually one that is 4 years out-of-date, but it is still at least 4 years newer than his last one).

2. an instance of experiencing this.

3. intense or unrestrained excitement related to an out-dated Telco concept, object or process.

4. an instance or occurrence of such excitement.

–verb (used without object)

5. to have a terrygasm.



Anonymous said...

does this event coincide with a "T" face?

Ted Nugent The Anti-Regulator said...

Unsure what you mean by a "T" face.