Terry is very uncomfortable with conflict. I think we've discussed this before. One example is how in today's current economic climate, Terry has to make tough decisions like making choices about how many employees he can afford to keep on staff but he will avoid this decision as long as possible. Due to lots of concessions and agreements he made with his employee unions in the past to avoid conflict then, he is now faced with many difficulties related to how to prune his staff now -- in effect paying for his past mistakes now. The hard decision of whether or not to axe staff is difficult under normal conditions, but by avoiding conflict during the good times when the contracts were negotiated he is now faced with even worse conditions and worse -- extremely conflict-full situations. To avoid this -- or rather delay it a little longer, he now decides that cutting costs (and benefits) for everyone is apropos: bonuses, salaries, travel, etc.... He will not fire workers yet despite the writing on the wall even though it would mean that this would likely keep the standard of benefits for those really productive workers at current levels. You see, Terry likes it when all things for all people are equal, and this includes preserving jobs for even the Twinkies (R) at the expense of the well-being of the others that really get the work done. This is why often jobs in Terry Town are short on the dough, but heavy on the nuts.
I doubt this is a terry's specialty. It happens everywhere, including startups.
Don't understand why people think democracy should work in startups. We have to make decisions fast, act immediately and attack with the attitude of not-becoming-a-prisoner-and-not-taking-prisoners. It's all about focus and accountability. Otherwise, you're sheep, and the sheep get slaughtered.
Unfortunately, this is always happening... and most startups fail not because of lack of market and ideas. They lose because they cannot get job done on time with the right team.
Here is another example of how Terry avoids conflict. Rather than firing these meatheads they were put on leave WITH pay.
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